Pět rad, jak se stát paní svých šedých vlasů

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Šedé vlasy není třeba schovávat. Přestože si touto fází projde většina žen, nemusí trvat navěky. Vzdejte boj s barvením a vsaďte na přirozené šedé. „Vlasy mohou vypadat plné sil i života, stačí se naučit, jak správně přistupovat k péči o ně,“ tvrdí Lynnie V. a jde příkladem.

“Some days you have to create your own sunshine”
Unknown ☀️

Happy Saturday let the sunshine in!! Well it’s raining again, but I won’t let it get to me, yesterday was an amazing sunny 24 Celsius!! Would we even appreciate the sun as much if it weren’t for these rainy days? I love the sun but I have definitely learned to not let the weather get me down. Some days you just have to create your own sunshine just like my quote says!! One way for me is making sure I get out and walk, run or dance in the rain why not,after all fresh air is the ticket to feeling good. Just breathe in the air and you’ll feel better.

So about my sweater , I am in love !! I have been following @houseofsunny a sustainable designer for a while and there posts and clothes make me so happy. I debated ordering something and then just like a ray of sunshine yesterday a local online boutique @goldwaters that sells sustainable fashions posted the sweater I am wearing by @houseofsunny and I called and within a few hours I purchased it and it was hand delivered to my doorstep by the shop owner Natalie. I never even left my house !! Serendipity!! Now if this isn’t a happy sweater nothing is right? I have gone form a neutral gal to a colourful gal overnight, some days we need some colour. Scroll left to see my colourless hair against my new sweater and a pic with the new @iliabeauty liquid powder chromatic eye tint because I love them, and lastly my full look snapped outside trying to catch a few rays. Oh and those shoes I bought on vacay last year and finally wore them I always loved to play dress up, I guess I still do, how about you? Post pics in your happy clothes gals join me . Do whatever it takes to stay positive and have some fun. Create your own sunshine and together we will stay strong.

From the light in me to the light I see in all of you, keep sharing, keep shining, and together let’s brighten the world” Om Shanti ✌☀️

#createyourlife #createyourownhappiness #bethechange #strongertogether #supporteachother #happyvibes #happytribe #dontworrybehappy #dontworry #sustainablefashion #cleanbeauty #cleanliving #smilebright #greyhair

24. října 2020 v 15:19, příspěvek archivován: 28. října 2020 v 10:23

1. Najděte správný střih

To, že vás na křeslo kadeřníka nepřivedou odrosty, neznamená, že byste měla upustit od pravidelných návštěv profesionála. Aby šedé vlasy vypadaly skvěle, je třeba soustavného zastřihování do správného tvaru. Zamyslete se společně s kadeřníkem nad tím, jaký střih bude vyhovovat vašemu životnímu stylu a tvaru obličeje. Šedé vlasy můžete nosit krátké, stejně jako dlouhé. „Už mám vyzkoušeno, že když mám správný střih, můžu nosit vlasy vyžehlené i navlněné a pokaždé vypadají skvěle,“ sdílí svou zkušenost Lynnie V. 

”Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go”

Happy Monday I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Did you do anything exciting? I enjoyed our colourful fall foliage and was able to see three of my four grandchildren, unfortunately my parents building is in lockdown so I wasn’t able to visit them, I try not to over think the separation from my loved ones, because this makes me sad. When we think about the what if’s or the should haves and could haves we are creating suffering, instead I try to focus on the present and what I do have to be grateful for. We are all healthy and we are all safe, and we have so many things to be grateful for right here and right now. When we let go of our preconceived notions of how things should be and accept how things are, we free ourselves of suffering. I know it works for me anyway. Together we are getting through this pandemic, let’s remember to be careful and follow the necessary protocol to stay safe and protect our most vulnerable populations. We are so close. Breathe in and breathe out and let go.....

On a lighter note I love the autumn.If we break life down into seasons I think I am in the autumn of my life. Autumn is the perfect time to find balance and to let go of ego, it’s a time for preservation and a time to reconnect with ourselves to look inward and let our true colours shine.Letting go does not mean giving up, it means your finally at a stage where you can be comfortable in your own skin and confident in your surroundings.This can ring true for anyone at any stage so be unique like the shades of autumn and let the true you shine.

From the light in me to the light to the light I see in all of you, keep sharing and keep shining and together we will create a colourful world !!

#autumnvibes #authenticself #agingbackwards #aginggracefully #artinaging #aginglikefinewine #agingwell #embracethegray #silversisters #grayhair #greyhairjourney #greyhairmodel #naturalbeauty #overfifty #over50beauty #lifestyleblogger #classicmodel #diversityandinclusion #seasonsoflife #embracethejourney #letitgo #beyourself #bethebestversionofyou #liveyourbestlife #cleanbe

19. října 2020 v 14:58, příspěvek archivován: 28. října 2020 v 10:24

2. Přizpůsobte se textuře svých vlasů

Společně se ztrátou melaninu, který působí jako pigment vlasových cibulek, se mění i struktura vlasů. Začínají být méně poddajné, sušší, roztřepené. Pokud takové přívlastky platily pro vaše vlasy, i když byly přirozeně barevné, se ztrátou pigmentu se tyto vlastnosti ještě zvýrazní. Není však třeba házet flintu do žita. Přizpůsobte se tomu, že se vlasy přirozeně vlní a mermomocí se jen nesnažte vyžehlit. Nejlépe uděláte, zaměříte-li se na důkladnou výživu vlasů jak zvenku pomocí masek, kondicionérů a olejových zábalů, tak i zevnitř stravou bohatou na všechny minerály, vitamíny a stopové prvky. 

“Unleash your inner sparkle”

Happy Thursday gals, I hope you have all had a great week. I had a great day yesterday celebrating my moms 86th Birthday with my sister and parents. Some of you may recall a year ago my mother was gravely ill suffering from a degenerative lung disease and a mini stroke. My family rallied around her with shear determination to get answers she has made an almost perfect recovery. My mother taught me to never give up, to live in my truth and to sparkle from the inside out every day. When you are kind and compassionate you’ll radiate those feeling out and attract the same sparkle into your life. Start your day with gratitude and you will sparkle the whole day through. ⭐️

For my moms birthday celebration I decided to wear sparkly pants and of course everything @iliabeauty including their new Liquid Powder Chromatic Eye Tint and I felt great, and I got the thumbs up from my folks. Thanks to the wonderful advice of my beautiful friend @oldfashionguru I am going to wear my shiny clothes even when I am at home (which is most of the time)Covid won’t dim my sparkle. So today my advice for you is stop pause and appreciate,because every day is a gift and every day is a day to sparkle⭐️

From the light in me to the light that I see in all of you keep sharing keep shining the world need all of our sparkle, and happy days ✌

For 15% off @iliabeauty October 8 only enter code WHW15 at checkout

#sparkle #bethespark #glowfromwithin #gettheglow #naturalbeauty #beauthentic #shinebrightlikeadiamond #shineyourlight #cleanbeauty #nontoxicbeauty #cleanlifestyle #celebratelife #naturalhair #whitehair #whitehairwisdom #iliabeauty #naturalbeauty #silversisters #silversisters2020 #greyhairmodel #greyhairjourney #grayisthenewblonde #aginglikefinewine #agingbackwards #artinaging #overfiftyandfabulous #over50style #over50beauty #over50_style #bethebestversionofyou

8. října 2020 v 16:11, příspěvek archivován: 28. října 2020 v 10:24

3. Používejte SPF ochranu

Šedé vlasy umí ostré slunce pořádně popálit. Vlivem slunečního záření mohou vlasy rovněž zežloutnout na odstín, se kterým si fialové šampóny jen těžko umí poradit. Proto je lepší poničení předcházet používáním přípravků s SPF faktorem na ochranu vlasů, a ještě lépe jejich schováním do stínu. Kšiltovka nebo klobouk by se měly stát vaší novou nezbytností při pobytu na přímém slunci. 

“Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything that it is.”
Happy Wednesday Everyone. Here we are mid week already, I feel like we were just here!! Things have not changed to much for me, as the cases of Covid have spiked and everything is reopening I am staying cautious. I am now getting weekly visits with my folks and I pray that continues. I had a wonderful visit with my folks yesterday. Mom loved my outfit from @studiodianne and I loved hers thanks @diane.gilman ,and thanks @kvallevand for snapping another great shot. Swipe to see it!! The hardest part for me now is the goodbye, my mom wants to hug and so do I, however, we are not permitted, and she says “but we are family”. Yesterday that line haunted me and I was sad for a period of time thinking why not just a hug, this is so confusing for her. Then I remember we are all in this together out of LOVE for each other, we will protect each other by continuing to follow the social distancing rules. When we accept what we have and how far we have come and find gratitude with that, we will be happy. We always want just a little more, but do we really need it to be happier? I am learning that happiness lies in the simplicity of life and it’s everywhere. How are things where you are ? When we focus on the positives instead of the negatives the mood shifts and happiness flows back in . Happiness is everywhere waiting for us. From the light in me to the light that I see in all of you shine bright my friends and have a fabulous day!!!#happiness #happinessisachoice #happinessiseverything #happinessiseverywhere #findhappiness #staysafe #mymommasaid #shinebright #silversisters #silversisters2020 #silversistersinternational #silverhaircolor #greyhairmodel #greyhairtransition #greyhairmovement #greyhairjourney #grayhaircolor #grayisthenewblonde #naturalgreyhair #agingbackwards #aginglikefinewine #aginggracefully #artinaging #over50style #naturalbeauty #naturalmakeup #overfiftyandfit #over50andfabulous #nationallipstickday

29. července 2020 v 15:26, příspěvek archivován: 28. října 2020 v 10:26

4. Zkuste toner

Šedé vlasy s nádechem do stříbrna vypadají skvostně. Jenže pokud šedé vlasy máte, pravděpodobně víte, jak snadno se dokážou zbarvit do nepříjemných a nevzhledných žlutých odstínů. S těmi zatočí pravidelné používání hydratačních fialových šampónů, které vlasy dostatečně vyživí a dodají jim sexy stříbrný nádech.  

“I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner.I believe in kissing,kissing a lot.I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.”
Audrey Hepburn
Happy Sunday I hope you have all had a great weekend. I have had a great weekend in the country. Perhaps you have spent time with friends or family, after weeks apart and it feels so good. Life feels good!! Communities are slowly opening up, we are starting to laugh and smile again. Laughter feels amazing!! We need to socialize with loved ones. We still have a ways to go, however we do feel hopeful. I just love this quote by Audrey Hepburn, I think she nailed it!! I think it will be my new mantra. Lately I am drawn to the vibrance of pink, pink is a happy colour. We need to feel alive and pink does that for me!! We need to stay strong to thrive, take care of yourself so you can take care of others. When we find our beauty and strength from the inside, it will shine through to the outside. Together we have come so far to slow the spread of covid 19, together we need to stay strong and finish what we started. Be strong my friends and be safe, shine bright and be the light, tomorrow is another day and I believe with faith miracles will happen. Keep inspiring and keep sharing my friends, we need each other now more than ever !!
#beautyfromtheinsideout #shinebright #innerstrength #innerpeace #positivevibes #naturalbeauty #lovepink #lovepink #pink #togetherwearestronger #staysafe #aginggracefully #agingbackwards #aginglikefinewine #ageisjustanumber #overfiftyandfabulous #overfiftyandfit #overfiftystyle #fashionover50 #silversisters #silverhairdontcare #silversistersinternational #silverhair #greyhairmodel #greyhairmovement #greyhaircolor #grayhairtransition #grayhairs #whitehair #naturalbeauty #artinaging

28. června 2020 v 16:03, příspěvek archivován: 28. října 2020 v 10:42

5. Pro spánek se hodí hedvábí

Jedna z hlavních rad hrdé majitelky šedé hřívy Lynnie V. se týká spánku: „Aby mé šedé vlasy zůstaly zdravé, svazuju si je na noc do drdolu a také používám hedvábný povlak na polštář.“ Hedvábí chrání vlasy před zbytečným hrubým třením, protože je samo o sobě velmi jemné. Díky tomu také eliminuje elektrizování a krepatění vlasů. „Vlasy se méně lámou a nepůsobí tolik unaveně,“ dodává Lynnie V.