Influencerka propaguje reálná ženská těla s celulitidou

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Danae Mercerová je další z influencerek, která chce ukázat světu, že je Instagram jen klam. Podle novinářky stačí dobrá póza a šikovný filtr v mobilu a rázem je z každé ženy modelka. To může frustrovat náctileté dívky. Právě kvůli tomu se rozhodla, že se bude ukazovat taková, jaká je doopravdy.

Chce povzbudit všechny ženy

Insta vs reality — or LETS talk LIGHTING. Because that’s the main difference in these photos.
In one, my bum is deliberately angled into the shadows. The softer light hides my cellulite and smooths most of my stretchmarks. It’s flattering.

In the other, I’m just casually squatting (lol) beside the mirror. My hips and thighs are in the sunlight. Lumps and bumps are on show.

There are a few posing differences (core tight, hips popped back, squeeeezzzinnnggg), but mostly this pic is about LIGHT working its magic.

When I worked in magazines, we shot at sunrise or sunset. On most sets, there were people holding SUN DIFFUSERS and REFLECTORS to help create the perfect FLATTERING balance of shadow and light.

The same thing happens on SOCIAL MEDIA, just in a different form.
Most insta-models know EXACTLY how to POSE and work their angles.
And they know LIGHTING too.
Like how SIDE LIGHT, diffused from a window, is the most flattering for abs but usually pretty harsh on the face.
It’s why you’ll often see a phone covering the face.
Or how SHADOWS can gently eliminate certain LUMPS and BUMPS.

All that is fine with me, honestly.
It’s art and photography, and there is no shame in wanting to look FIERCE.

But I also want to remind you about how SO MUCH on here is FILTERED.

And how you shouldn’t EVER COMPARE YOURSELF to a STRANGER on the internet.
Because cowgirl, you’re just seeing their snapshots taken in PERFECT LIGHT.
Your reality is a whole lot more varied, diverse, and human than that.
It’s more perfectly imperfect. Real. Raw.
And that’s a wonderful thing indeed.

You got this.

#instavsreality #womenirl #womenshealth #popsugarfitness #instagramvsreality #posingtips #cellulite #strengthmarks

25. června 2020 v 15:59, příspěvek archivován: 30. června 2020 v 9:55

Podle Danae může být pro mnoho žen frustrující, že na sociálních sítích vidí dokonalé celebrity a influencerky bez vrásek a celulitidy. Sama ale ukazuje, že za dokonalými snímky je ve většině případů pouze dobrá póza a filtr.

V nedokonalosti je krása

Let’s normalize this. Let’s share the parts of us that are strong and fierce and posed, and the parts of us that are softer, raw, human.
A woman messaged me today saying she bought her very first bikini.
She always thought she was too wiggly, too ‘imperfect’, to own one.
But today she realized otherwise.
That gal went shopping.

Every week, women talk to me about shorts. About cellulite on their legs. About dimples in their thighs. And about how, how they CANNOT, cannot wear them. They cannot wear shorts.
Only this is changing.
THEY are changing.
WE are changing.
Day by day, second by second, we are switching what’s normal.
We are sliding into those shorts, buying those bikinis, speaking our MINDS and our truths, flaunting our brains, being all the wonderful, complex bits that combine together to make WOMEN and WOMAN.
This is just one instance, a glimpse. A little photo to remind you of a very, very big thing:
You are not DESIGNED to be perfect.
Your power lies in all that’s COMPLEX, all that’s NUANCED, all that’s MAGNIFICENT and, yes, all that’s gloriously NORMAL.
Like bum dimples. Like insecurities. Like confusions and hopes and great photos and bad moments and laughter and ALL.
We’re in this together.
Even if it’s just one ‘Instagram and also Instagram’ pic at a time. x #selflove #bodyacceptance #bodyconfidence

21. června 2020 v 15:23, příspěvek archivován: 30. června 2020 v 9:55

Influencerka ve svých postech často zmiňuje, že nedokonalost je právě to, co nás činí jedinečnými a krásnými. Od nepaměti se potýkaly ženy se striemi, celulitidou a jinými normálními věcmi, které se ale dnes za normální nepovažují. „Jsme perfektní takoví, jací jsme. Nemusíme se měnit v programech na úpravu fotek,“ myslí si.

Instagram je lež

Insta vs Reality / or why PERFECTION is DANGEROUS.
Perfection puts a wall up between us and others.
It does.
Especially for us PEOPLE PLEASERS.
Because it shows only our sparkly bits. Our STAGED bits. Our MASKS that we wear when we are quietly afraid no one will love us otherwise.
It proves we are good little girls.
Only here’s the thing:
PERFECTION builds that barrier.
Because ultimately, it’s only a half truth. A brief moment. A STAGED PHOTO.
And us humans, we are more complex than that.
We are raw and clumsy with belly laughs and cellulite and fears and
dreams so fragile we dare only to whisper them into existence.
So today, show someone your imperfect. Show them your real.
Let them see you for all the splendour and glory you are, and let YOURSELF be SEEN for the same.
Whether it’s simply rocking your WIGGLES at the BEACH or opening up about your HOPES.
Show YOU.
As someone who has only started embracing VULNERABILITY in her 30s, trust me on this:
It’s so much more incredible than perfection could ever hope to be.
It’s human.
It’s wonderful.
It’s real.

Photos @chiclebelle gabrielleph as always #selflove #feminist #selfacceptance #inspiringquotes #positivequotes #iweigh #mentalhealth

18. června 2020 v 15:37, příspěvek archivován: 30. června 2020 v 9:56

„Žijme svůj život. Nežijme virtuální život, který není realitou a není pravdou. Mnoho lidí je ve skutečnosti úplně jinou osobností, než jak se prezentuje na sociální síti. To musí být neuvěřitelný zmatek pro psychiku,“ zamýšlela se nad dnešní dobou influencerka.

Žije v Dubaji

ME / ALSO ME - Because POSING is fun but sitting COMFORTABLY is even better.

Now let’s talk DIET CULTURE myths.

For years, I thought if I GOT RID of my CELLULITE, I would be happy. It has always been my hang up.
So I cut calories.
I dropped dress sizes.
I shrank.
And I waited for that joy, for that feeling of confidence.

It didn’t come. Not even at my smallest.
None of these things made me feel BETTER about MYSELF.

And now, now, years later, I am softer. Squishier. No longer starving.
I weigh more.
But my heart is lighter.

Because here’s the thing I learned the hard way,
The thing that diet ads never tell you:
BODY IMAGE starts on the inside.
It does.
Being comfortable with your cellulite? Your stretchmarks?
Your bits that wiggle and jiggle and fold here or crease there?
All that requires mental work.
Internal heavy lifting.
Where day by day, month by month, you remind yourself how INCREDIBLE you are.
And how your WORTH, your VALUE as a HUMAN, doesn’t CHANGE even when your body does.
Nor does anyone else’s.
So today, fight against the urge to measure WHO YOU ARE as a HUMAN against whatever is or isn’t happening with your body.
Extend the same kindness to other women around you.
And allow yourself the softness of a bit of self love.
Because you ARE wonderful. You ARE incredible.
Posed or relaxed, sandy or sweaty or sleepy or in any state.
You’re loved.

PHOTOS @chiclebelle @gabrielleph
#bodyacceptance #selflove #womenirl #cellulite #stretchmarks #normalizenormalbodies #instagramvsreality

14. června 2020 v 15:39, příspěvek archivován: 30. června 2020 v 9:56

Každý den je v plavkách a ukazuje své tělo. Nestydí se za jedinou „nedokonalost“ těla, která se v dnešním dokonalém světě neodpouští. Říká, že je hrdá na každou strii, protože jsou její součástí. „Nechci se měnit. Každý je dokonalý,“ říká.

Realita a Instagram

Don’t COMPARE YOURSELF to a stranger on the internet.
I’ve worked in media and magazines for over 10 years. And in publishing, it feels normal to see curated ideals of dream lives, dream bodies.
But social media tells us a different story.
It says every girl is the girl next door.
Every goal is casually achievable.
And suddenly every supermodel on a superyacht becomes the norm.
Part of us knows this ISN’T true.
Part of us forgets.
So today I just wanted to remind you:
Don’t compare yourself to a stranger on social media.
Don’t compare yourself to hundreds of highlight reels.
Not in the way your body is shaped.
Not in the way you handle emotions or challenges.
Not in the raw fragile parts that make you who you are.
Because what we see on here is an echo chamber of perfect angles and hand picked truths.
And humans are far more complex, far more nuanced, far more perfectly imperfect than that.
You got this.
x . Outfit @womensbestwear @womensbest .
#selflove #bodyacceptance #instavsreality #instagramvsreality #posing #bodyconfidence #feminist

7. června 2020 v 15:31, příspěvek archivován: 30. června 2020 v 9:57

Ve svých postech často ukazuje, jak by asi její fotografie vypadaly, kdyby se jen nakrucovala tak, jak to dělá většina influencerů. Na druhé straně pak ukazuje fotky, kde je ve své plné kráse. Pro mnohé fanoušky jejího profilu to je šok. Jiní jí ale fandí a obdivují ji.

Chce to odvahu

Winners announced: @greeneyedcurlyq @fitandkeenmama
@delaneyalexandra_ ! I’m giving away three full @womensbestwear workout sets (top, bottom, sports bra - you pick the color and style). To enter:
1. Like this post and comment below tagging one FRiEND who you think is amazing. Bonus points for saying why they are so INCREDIBLE.
2. Tag more friends for more entries
3. And make sure you’re following
Winners will be announced in five days, alongside all the winners of my Period Week giveaways. Entries applicable to America, Canada, UK, Europe (including France for all team baguette ;) ), the UAE, and Canada.
More outfit styles are in my stories now.
As for why? It’s been ages since I’ve done one of these on my main page. Most my giveaways are happening in my stories and my Facebook group right now. So I just wanted to say thank you, my love to ALL of you, and I’m grateful you’re here. For my UAE gals, Ramadan Mubarak. For everyone, regardless of where you are, thank you again. You have all changed my life. . . .
#womensbest #womensbestme #ImCollabingWithThem

10. května 2020 v 16:30, příspěvek archivován: 30. června 2020 v 9:58

Ukázat se v pravém světle je podle Danae těžké. Lidé rádi soudí a naváží se do každého, kdo není dokonalý. I ona dostává negativní komentáře a soukromé zprávy. Naopak jí ale všechny negativní ohlasy stále ženou kupředu a doufá, že inspiruje mladé dívky k tomu, aby se nestyděly za svá těla.

Milujte svou celulitidu

These are BOTH ME. And neither is AN ISSUE.
Someone messaged me offering to fix this ISSUE with my BODY. Like my CELLULITE. My squiggly bits. Another recently noted skin is an organ, and my cellulite is a sign that it’s unhealthy. Another said they’d run once they saw me from the back.
All whispered, in one way or another, that there was a problem. A flaw.
But no. No.
I do not view my body as an issue.
Life right now seems packed with intense goals. Many of them link to weight loss.
Goals are great. Fitness is fantastic.
But do not pursue these things at the EXPENSE of your mental health.
How we speak TO OURSELVES is so important.
And like a toxic friend, we can bully our dreams. Our hopes. We can crush our plans before they even start.
Let’s not call our bodies ‘issues’. Let’s focus on being strong. Balanced. Healthy. Powerful.
Not for all the things we hate about ourselves, but for all the parts we love.
Because front or back, soft or strong, no part of us is an ISSUE.
Not even one bit.
#iweigh #whstrong #womenirl #normalizenormalbodies #feminist #womenwhoroar #womenshealthmag #strongertogethertoday #cellulite #bopo #bodypositivity
Snapped by @chiclebelle

16. dubna 2020 v 16:07, příspěvek archivován: 30. června 2020 v 9:58

„Podle celosvětových průzkumů má osmdesát procent žen celulitidu. Jedná se o naprosto běžnou věc. Díky každodenní masáži v médiích ale máme pocit, že je to něco, co bychom měly skrývat a stydět se za to. Tak to ale není. Mějme prosím rády svá těla,“ apeluje na všechny ženy.

Zatáhnout břicho a je to

We know social media is a highlight reel. That it's glamour. That it's perfection.

We know it's people showing their best sides, their happy moments, their proud bits.
But that's not human.
Humans have vulnerabilities and softness and fears and hopes and fragility and CELLULITE and minds that have good days and bad days and ALL OF IT, humans have ALL OF IT.
That's human.
So let's change the conversation. Especially RIGHT NOW when everything is so unpredictable and scary.
Let's dare to make this wild, turbulent world something more positive. Whether it's one post, one comment, one bit of great and powerful and real rawness at a time.
You got this. . .
#bopo #normalizenormalbodies #selfloveclub #iweigh #whstrong #cellulite #strengthmarks

28. dubna 2020 v 15:50, příspěvek archivován: 30. června 2020 v 9:59

„Dnes si každý může vytvořit tělo, jaké se mu líbí. Natočí se správně na kameru, zatáhne břicho a zbytek upraví v příslušném programu. Během chvilky se tak z každé ženy může stát modelka. Lidé pak takové ženy obdivují, skládají jim komplimenty. Skutečnost je ale jiná,“ myslí si.

Jsme jen lidé

Our bodies are poetry, and our stretchmarks are perfectly written lines.
I’m often asked when this journey started for me. When I stopped tearing apart my body and moved toward acceptance.
It’s been a long process in the making, one that truly began on a therapist’s couch at 20 and is still ongoing. But sometimes there are single moments, tiny seconds when lightbulbs go off. Seeing @sarashakeel ‘s Glitter Stretchmarks series was exactly that.
Her work forced me to question what I had always been told was shameful.
Because there, reimagined through her lens, stretchmarks were striking. Stunning. Sparkly and strong and undeniably beautiful.
So today, if you’re struggling with your stretchmarks, know this: we have been conditioned to believe they are ugly. They are not. They are your wonderful marvellous body serving you and supporting you always. Always.
You’re poetry, babygirl.
You’re a work of art. .
#strengthmarks #aufeminin #meufparis #feminist #whstrong #stretchmarks #bodypositive

29. dubna 2020 v 16:21, příspěvek archivován: 30. června 2020 v 10:00

Danae bojuje za to, aby ženy přijímaly sebe samy a nestyděly se za svá těla. „Jsme krásné. Jsme ženy a jsme něžná stvoření. Mějme se rády,“ dodala.