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Bude těžké najít lék na SARS

Pokud se virus smrtelně nebezpečné nemoci SARS sám nedá na ústup nebo se v dohledné době nenajde účinná vakcína, je to téměř jisté: dříve či později dorazí do České republiky. Potvrzují to odborníci, kteří se zabývají nakažlivými chorobami. Vývoj vakcíny se přitom zkomplikoval.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

Včelka Mája

24. 4. 2003 19:53
A´t jej hledá ten,
kdo za celou epidemii může - ODS a Klaus!
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24. 4. 2003 21:08
Re: A´t jej hledá ten,
Chytrá... Já to taky říkam. Moje prase dostalo SARS, tak jsem picnul a byla zabijačka. A stejně za to muže ta ODS a Klaus.
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24. 4. 2003 15:57
Kdo za tím je?
Když se zamyslím nad současným stavem zeměkoule, kde USA právě zlikvidovaly Afgánistán a Irák, chystají se pomalu na další tažení k ustanovení Americké celosvětové říše, tak mě při čtení zpráv o řádění viru SARS v Číně (" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> napadá jestli onen virus nemá za úkol oslabit vážného protivníka USA. Zvláště pokud vezmu v úvahu, že Čína s konfliktem počítá.
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24. 4. 2003 16:32
Re: Kdo za tím je?
neřiká ti něco slova blbost a paranoik?
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24. 4. 2003 14:39
jak bojiju v Singapuru ... aneb vse zle je k necemu dobre (pouze pro anglicky mluvici)
Title STATEMENT FOM THE MINISTE FO HEALTH - HEALTH MEASUES AGAINST SAS OUTEAK Date 24 April 2003 Current state of knowledge on SAS The World Health Organisation (WHO) has stated that SAS is a serious threat to international health and could become the first severe new disease of the 21st century with global epidemic potential. So this is a very serious problem confronting Singapore and the rest of the world. Let me start by summarizing what we know and what we do not know. It is now six weeks since WHO first issued its global health alert on 12 March on cases of atypical pneumonia. For the Healthcare Workers (HCW) at the frontline combating SAS, this has been a long and demanding six weeks. ut six weeks is a relatively short period for a completely new disease. The WHO announced on 16 April that a newly discovered virus from the coronavirus family is the cause of SAS. Identification and characterization of the exact causative virus will allow development of better diagnostic tests and treatment protocols. A significant step towards this was the recent sequencing of the viral genome by scientists in the US, Canada, Hong Kong and Singapore. We are learning more about the spectrum of clinical presentations. Most patients present with typical features with a sudden onset of high fever with or without muscle aches. Some patients may also have chills, shivering, cough and headache. After 3 to 7 days, patients may start to have shortness of breath, and X-ray changes of pneumonia. In about 80 to 90% of cases, the patient gradually recovers. However, in 10 to 15% of cases, after about 7 days, the pneumonia progresses and the patient needs treatment in the intensive care unit with most requiring a ventilator to help them breathe. About 6% of cases die despite intensive care. The majority of patients who succumb to the disease are older persons above the age of 40 years. ut we have had 3 deaths from patients below 40 years. We have observed a number of cases where the symptoms have not been typical. This has made the disease even more difficult to combat. This has occurred in patients with many pre-existing chronic medical conditions such as heart disease and bacterial infections that mask the symptoms and signs of SAS. In such cases, the fever may be low-grade at the beginning and signs of lung infection occur very late in the course of illness. Such cases are very difficult to recognise early and pose a major challenge for our healthcare professionals. How is SAS transmitted? oth WHO and the US CDC believe that the main way SAS spreads is through transmission of infectious droplets, for example, when a SAS patient coughs or sneezes droplets into the air and someone else close by breathes these droplets in. Our own experience in Singapore supports this view since most of our cases have occurred either among healthcare workers caring for SAS patients in hospital, or family members and friends of the patients who had visited and come into close contact with them. ased on our experience, patients appear to be most infectious when they are ill. Most of the SAS patients in Singapore have passed on the infection to a small number of people only, and through close contact. However, we have also noted that there a small number of SAS patients who appear to be highly infectious, infecting a large number of people (super-spreaders). This may also have been due to the fact that their SAS illness had not been picked up earlier and they had infected a large number of persons in close contact with them by the time they were diagnosed with SAS. Hence, 5 SAS patients have been responsible for the transmission of the infection to the vast majority of the 182 non-imported patients that we have seen so far in Singapore (up to 23 Apr 03). However, there may be situations where SAS may have been transmitted through other routes. For example, the outbreak involving a large number of residents in an apartment block in Hong Kong suggest that SAS may be transmitted perhaps through some common environmental route. Transmission through contaminated surfaces also cannot be ruled out. That is why we emphasise the need for a higher standard of personal and environmental hygiene. So far, three diagnostic tests have been developed for SAS. However, all the tests have limitations. There is a test for antibodies to SAS in the blood. However, this is present only from about 20 days after the onset of clinical symptoms. It therefore cannot be used to detect cases at an early stage. The second test, an immunofluorescence assay (IFA), detects antibodies reliably as of day 10 of infection, but is a comparatively slow test that requires the growth of virus in cell culture. The third test is a molecular test for detection of SAS virus genetic material. This is useful in the early stages of infection but at this stage of development, the test kit fails to pick up many patients with SAS. WHO has stated that more work is needed to produce a robust test that is capable of rapidly and reliably detecting cases at an early stage of infection. Many laboratories, including those in Singapore, are working to achieve this. There is as yet, no specific treatment for SAS. WHO has stated that no treatment beyond good intensive and supportive care has been shown to improve the outcome in patients with SAS. About 8-9% of our cases have died compared to the global average of 6%. The case fatality rate in Hong Kong has also been about 7% but that in Canada has been about 9%. A likely reason for the slightly higher fatality rate in Singapore compared to Hong Kong is that the daily occurrence of new cases here has been much lower than that in Hong Kong. In Canada, most of the fatalities have occurred among elderly patients with co-existing chronic illnesses. Current situation of SAS in Singapore I had previously explained our strategy to contain SAS in Singapore. The main components of this strategy are
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24. 4. 2003 14:54
Re: jak bojiju v Singapuru ... aneb vse zle je k necemu dobre (pouze pro anglicky mluvici)
nic noveho jsem tam neobjevila a navic ten clanek neni uplny...
odkud jste ho vzal?
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24. 4. 2003 10:47
u nas je vic Cinanu nez Vietnamcu
.... trhovci, co vam prodavaji levne obleceni jsou prevazne z Ciny a ne z Vietnamu!
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24. 4. 2003 10:53
Re: u nas je vic Cinanu nez Vietnamcu
I kdyby to byla pravda, co to mění na podstatě problému - přenosu SARS do Česka a jeho překotnému rozšíření zde ?!
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24. 4. 2003 9:53
Já jsem zase četl, že vědci zkoumají, zda existuje možnost přenosu viru při konzumaci syrových mozků z živých opic.
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24. 4. 2003 12:40
To jsou xenofobní výmysly a podvrhy
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24. 4. 2003 9:30
to Ester
Ohrazuji se proti označení rasista. Vietnamci prostě jsou dnes v ČR nejrizikovější skupinou, protože je to nejpočetnější komunita z nejrizikovějších oblastí ( Čína, Indočína včetně Vietnamu, Kanada ). A státní zdravotní dozor by k nim (stejně jako k ostatním přijíždějícím z rizikových oblastí) měl přistupovat konečně odpovědněji. Nebo už jsme dospěli tak daleko, že v obavách z nařčení z rasismu budeme zamlčovat pravdu a trpně přihlížet zvyšujícímu se smrtelnému riziku pro nás a naše děti ?!
Jinak proti Vietnamcům nic nemám, pokud zrovna nepašují nebo neignorují své daňové povinnosti v České republice...
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24. 4. 2003 9:50
Re: to Ester
...tos měl nechat bez reakce. Ester je totálně mimo mísu. Akorát chtěla něco říct, když její jediná mozková buňka po dlouhé době vyprodukovala nějakou myšlenku. Bohužel ani tentokrát to nevyšlo. Moc se nebudu rozepisovat, aby to na ni nezanechalo trvalé následky - nechci, aby se jí zavařilo mozkové vlákno...
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24. 4. 2003 9:10 je fakt divný
...jak je vidět, tak už tu máme "Dvanáct opic" v reálu. A protože většina z nás už tento film viděla, tak už taky víme, jak to celý dopadne...   Nicméně, budu rád, když se budu mýlit a vědci budou v hledání léku úspěšní...
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24. 4. 2003 9:02
Vietnam !
" Američané povolili diplomatům, aby kvůli SARS opustili Vietnam, kde má na velvyslanectví zůstat pouze nutný personál. "
Zdroj : Reuters, ČTK, Deníky Bohemia
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24. 4. 2003 8:23
Porad se pise o poctu nakazenych a mrtvych. Me by docela zajimalo, kolik jich je uz vylecenych ....
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25. 4. 2003 13:39
Re: Kolik?
Oficialne jednom jedna zdravotni sestra z francousko-vietnamske nemocnice byla vylecena, po dvou tydnech napojeni na dychaci pristroj. Ale ma velmi tezke nasledky : plice jsou natrvalo poskozene, je velice slaba, ze ma problem s pohybem. Tato zdravotni sestra slouzila u toho prvniho pacienta SARS v Hanoii, ktery zemrel po prevozu do Honkongu. Pres dvacet lidi se nakazilo, pet jich zemrelo, z toho jeden italsky a jeden francouzsky lekar, vesmes personal a pacienti teto nemocnice.
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24. 4. 2003 8:05
Já jsem četl , že virus se začal šířit z nehygienických medvědích farem, kde se z medvědů těží  žluč.
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24. 4. 2003 20:33
Hezky, tomu by se dalo verit.
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