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USA chtějí zrušit irácké sankce

Spojené státy a Británie v pátek v Radě bezpečnosti OSN předložily návrh rezoluce, která má ukončit dvanáctileté hospodářské sankce vůči Iráku a zároveň má dát Američanům a Britům kontrolu nad příjmy z irácké ropy přinejmenším na dobu jednoho roku.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


12. 5. 2003 7:20
Ja dostat tolik facek....
...jako Krakonos, zalezl bych do kouta na pykolu a kal bych se! Nizka inteligence a zakomplexovana osobnost, ktera je navic v absolutni anonymite nezna stud! Je treba ji jenom ignorovat a ona sama zajde na ubyte! Blahoslaveni chudi duchem, nebot jejich bude kralovstvi nebeske...
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12. 5. 2003 9:03
Re: Ja dostat tolik facek....
Uz to nehul!!!...
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12. 5. 2003 5:40
nejvetsi dodavatel ropy na svete
Irag se muze stat nejvetsim  dodavatelem ropy. 12 milionu barelu denne. To ohrozi Rusko, Saudskou Arabii, Iran a vsechny ostatni zeme ktere se zabyvaji tezbou oleje. Z hlediska geologickeho polozeni je tezba na  Irackych ropnych polich nejlevnejsi.
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11. 5. 2003 10:53
tak teda bez urazek
byl jeden tupej krakonos-a ten mel dycky plnej nos-protoze nemel snuptychel-hutiral si ho vo pytel-tak nechutnej byl tento tvor-prej vladce krkonosskejch hor...
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Krakonos CDN

11. 5. 2003 23:29
Re: tak teda bez urazek
  Ty tupej velkej nose ,nechutnej tvore si ho votirej do snuptychelu a to dole vo pytel a reznej , ez ...
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11. 5. 2003 9:17
levicova propaganda
Clanky v Cesku neuvadeji vsechny podrobnosti ohledne obnoveni Iraku a obchodu s naftou, proto zi radsi prectete prilozene prameny>>
Under the long-awaited plan, the United States would take control of Iraq’s vast oil revenues from the UN and give it to the United States and Britain to finance the country’s reconstruction — with international oversight. The United Nations would have a limited, largely advisory role.
The money from oil sales would be used for humanitarian goods, reconstruction, civil administration and the continued disarmament of Iraq. An arms embargo would be maintained." target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Ukonceni Embarga>>" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Iracka Nafta- hra Rusu na obe strany>
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Krakonos CDN

11. 5. 2003 10:05
Re: levicova propaganda
proc je chtej vodzbrojit , na to bys mel vodpovedet , a celej svet taky , jen voni budou mit zbrane a na to se uz tady nikdo nezepta , Co? Taky nakou vodpoved vod tech proamerikanu nebo amerikanofilu bych tu chtel videt a ti dalsi taky ,Tak a bez nadavek si to srovname sem na to pripraven , tak nastup na plac.....
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10. 5. 2003 22:17
The leader of Iraq's best-known Shia opposition group has told thousands of supporters that Iraqis would not accept a government imposed by foreigners. Ayatollah Mohammed Baqr al-Hakim was addressing a crowd in the southern city of Basra, after returning from exile in Iran on Saturday. The 63-year-old cleric was a fierce opponent of Saddam Hussein throughout his 23 years of exile - and many Shias consider him their most important leader. His movements in Iraq are likely to be closely watched by United States and British officials, who are concerned that he might push for an Islamic state in Iraq. ....."We now have to know our own way to rebuild Iraq, and forget the past," he told a jubilant followers who had gathered in a stadium in Basra on Saturday. "We Muslims have to live together... We have to help each other stand together against imperialism. "We want an independent government. We refuse imposed government," Ayatollah Hakim went on. Many of his supporters carried his portrait and chanted their loyalty to him. "Hakim has had many martyrs in his family," one follower, Mohammad Lamrayani, told Reuters news agency. "He deserves our welcome after 23 years abroad. It is the right of every Iraqi to come back now after the fall of Saddam Hussein." The ayatollah had not set foot in his homeland since he went into exile in 1980, at the start of the Iran-Iraq war.
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10. 5. 2003 22:15
LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- U.S. authorities expelled a Saudi consular official and Muslim leader who had been living in Southern California, saying he was suspected of having terrorist links. Fahad al Thumairy, 32, was detained at Los Angeles International Airport earlier in the week after arriving from Frankfurt and was deported Thursday. He may not return to the United States for five years, authorities said. "He was placed on an international flight, destined for Riyadh," Saudi Arabia, said Virginia Kice, a spokeswoman for the Department of Homeland Security. Al Thumairy's diplomatic visa was revoked in March, and his name was added to a list of travelers who should not be allowed to enter the United States because of suspected links to terrorism. Officials would not immediately provide details on the alleged connection. Officials of the Saudi consulate in Los Angeles and the Saudi Embassy in Washington declined to comment. Al Thumairy had worked for the Saudi consulate in Los Angeles since 1996 and held a post in the Islamic and cultural affairs section of the consulate. He was also the imam at the King Fahd Mosque in Culver City, which has one of the largest Muslim congregations in the region. The mosque, built with financing from the Saudi government, was the target of a foiled bomb plot by a member of the militant Jewish Defense League in 2001. "He never dealt with politics, in his public comments or in private gatherings," said Tajuddin Shuaib, who directs the mosque, which is run by a nonprofit group. "Like the rest of us, he was really shocked about September 11. He felt it was wrong and, in the long term, that it would harm Muslims. His impression was that it would have some bad repercussions," Shuaib said.
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10. 5. 2003 22:13
Matthew Price BBC correspondent in Baghdad >>>And there he lies. His face yellow, his legs red raw where the skin has been burnt off. Slowly dying. There are many others like him in the emergency department at Saddam Medical City. All brought in following an explosion at a petrol station. ........ A woman screams through her tears: "Saddam and Bush are bastards," she shouts at me. "They killed our men." ........ There is enough painkiller in the hospital to give just four more injections. There is no fluid to sterilise equipment. Too few staff to look after patients. There are no communications - no one ........ In a single hour, Dr Ahmed told me, he had seen 15 people come in with bullet injuries. Like the little boy, six-years-old, shot in the stomach. By a five-year-old who'd found a gun. Guns have become a part of life since the fall of Saddam. There's no government to enforce the law, so people are arming themselves. Every night at about 2330 I listen to the shots ringing out across the city. Anyone who says peace has come to Iraq has clearly not been here lately. ............. "Where is the doctor? Where is the doctor?"....... The man looked at me, his eyes full of tears. He banged the bed with his fist, shouting at his brother to stop moving, to stop aggravating the burns. Not knowing how to help. ........ Outside the window the birds were calling in another beautiful day, the sky pink and blue. As I walked back down the corridor I noticed a door slightly open, a man knelt outside, crying. Inside a bed, the blanket stretched out over the body underneath. The latest victim of Iraq's so-called peace. >>>>>>If we must use force, the United States and our coalition stand ready to help the citizens of a liberated Iraq. ......... We will deliver medicine to the sick, and we are now moving into place nearly 3 million emergency rations to feed the hungry. ......... We will also lead in carrying out the urgent and dangerous work of destroying chemical and biological weapons. ......We will provide security against those who try to spread chaos, or settle scores, or threaten the territorial integrity of Iraq. We will seek to protect Iraq's natural resources from sabotage by a dying regime, and ensure those resources are used for the benefit of the owners -- the Iraqi people. (Applause.)........ Rebuilding Iraq will require a sustained commitment from many nations, including our own: we will remain in Iraq as long as necessary, and not a day more. America has made and kept this kind of commitment before -- in the peace that followed a world war. After defeating enemies, we did not leave behind occupying armies, we left constitutions and parliaments. We established an atmosphere of safety, in which responsible, reform-minded local leaders could build lasting institutions of freedom. In societies that once bred fascism and militarism, liberty found a permanent home. ............(Applause.) Across the world, we are hunting down the killers one by one. We are winning. And we're showing them the definition of American justice. (Applause.) <<<<
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Krakonos CDN

10. 5. 2003 18:51
Kontrola prijmu z Iracky ropy
A jak ty imbecilove zidovsky tu rvaly kdyz sem to napsal jak to bude a vo co de , Vy svine je tu vic takovejch jako ja co myslej a videj vam do karet a zase muzete psat vo rasismu lhari vsech lharu futral a nejen to........Ten clanek jen dokazuje ze de zidum a zidum v USA jen vo ten MAMON i za cenu vrazdeni nevinnejch lidi na  tyhle planete a taky se podivejte jak sou zidi rozlezli ve vladach dalsich zemi , ovlivnovani demokracie se tomu rika a to zidama z USA.
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10. 5. 2003 21:03
Re: Kontrola prijmu z Iracky ropy
Nastesti tady neni nikdo jako ty...takovejch blbu se nenajde nikde na je nase  mala vyhoda!!
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10. 5. 2003 18:00
Francouzi a Rusove
Hned jak Americani obsadili Irak, ozvali se Frantici ze maji smlouvy s Irakem na dodavky ropy. Hodne vyhodne smlouvy. A ze stoji na jejich dodrzovani i nadale. Je uplne jasny o co jim jde. Rusove podobne v bledemodrym.
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10. 5. 2003 21:47
Re: Francouzi a Rusove
Jenže ty smlouvy byly uzavřeny před několika lety,některé snad ještě před uvalením sankcí.Byly odsouhlaseny i iráckým parlamentem (nemohu si právě vybavit přesný název této instituce) a měly by být mezinárodně závazné.A to že jsou výhodné?Ony copak smlouvy amerických a britských těžebních firem jinde po svetě nejsou pro tyto firmy výhodné?
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10. 5. 2003 16:10
Hlavním "poradcem" iráckého ministra ropného průmyslu je bývalý exponent firmy Shell. V čele Irácké centrální banky bude stát bývalý náměstek amerického ministra financí. O příjmech z Irácké ropy budou rozhodovat USA a "není třeba o tom dlouho debatovat". Americká armáda zůstane v Iráku "tak dlouho, dokud to bude nezbytně nutné". Myslím si, že za Bushovými projevy o svobodě, stabilitě a prosperitě se skrývá jen obyčejná, sprostá okupace.
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10. 5. 2003 17:00
Re: realita
Obycejna okupace byl stav v Ceskoslovensku po roce 1968.Naopak zeme,ktere "okupuje" USA,prosperuji.Jeste se Pamatuji na nedostatek cehokoliv.Kdo ma zajem na informacich,ktere chybi v tomto clanku,doporucuji clanky Oty Ulce -Neviditelny pes.
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