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Testy z angličtiny na

Readers Ask about USA

8. srpna 2007  8:32

Here are some answers to some questions readers of Metropolitni Expres have been asking us about...

Profound expressions in English

7. srpna 2007  7:01

Words of wisdom are priceless, especially when they are communicated and then realized by those who...

Scream, Screaming Queen

6. srpna 2007  8:08

The words scream and dream are used in many expressions in the English language. Let’s review a few...

Buzzing Around, Buzz Cut 3

3. srpna 2007  8:11

As we learned in parts one and two, the word buzz has several meanings. Here are a few more of them...

Buzz, The Buzz, Buzzer 2

2. srpna 2007  9:02

The word buzz has several meanings in the English language. Let’s review a few more of them for...

Here’s more common errors in English

1. srpna 2007  8:24

Whether you’re a native speaker of English or not, like every language, English has a long list of...

Audios of Madeline Albright are now online

31. července 2007  8:27

Madeline Albright is a legend. Born originally in 1937 in Prague as Marie Jana Korbelová, she...

Buzz, Buzz, Get Buzzed

30. července 2007  11:19

The word buzz has several different meanings in English, depending on how it is being used. For...

Vyzkoušejte si nový a náročnější test z angličtiny

30. července 2007  7:52

Pro všechny, kteří chtějí vědět, jak jsou na tom s angličtinou, připravila redakce ve...

More Tongue Twisters

27. července 2007  10:26

Every language has tongue twisters, and English is no exception. Here are some more popular ones...

Thoughtful Expressions 2

26. července 2007  9:32

Many expressions are thoughtful: here’s some more for you. As we have discussed previously, every...

Thoughtful Expressions 1

25. července 2007  9:47

While there exists thousands of expressions in every language, many of them are particularly...

Motivational English - 1

24. července 2007  9:46

Millions of Americans are into what is called motivational speaking. People who seek out...

Common English Mistakes

23. července 2007  10:42

English, like many languages, has many words which mean more than one thing. This fact, combined...

Exploring Those Nebulas

19. července 2007  7:32

When people think of Astronomy, images of stars, planets, galaxies and telescopes usually come to...

Some Plays on Words - 1

18. července 2007  11:54

Every language allows you to either make or engage in what are called "plays on words." Plays on...

Knowing Your Clichés - 1

17. července 2007  12:31

A cliché is an expression which becomes very popular very quickly. After many people start using...

Are You IN with the INS in English?

16. července 2007  12:35

The word "in" is used in many diverse expressions throughout the English language. Let's examine a...

Testy z angličtiny: Zjistěte, jaká je vaše jazyková úroveň

16. července 2007  11:04

Pro všechny, kteří chtějí zjistit, jak jsou na tom s angličtinou, připravila redakce ve...

Expressions & History - 1

13. července 2007  9:37

Every language has a bazillion expressions, and English is certainly no exception to this fact....

Cancer Fighting Foods - 2

12. července 2007  9:47

As we mentioned in the first part of this article, foods such as tomatoes, green tea, blueberries,...

Cancer Fighting Foods - 1

11. července 2007  9:06

Expresially for you: foods that fight cancer, according to science. Scientists have identified...

Introducing: What Is It?

10. července 2007  10:02

Expresially for you: What Is It? is now activated and online. As we mentioned last week, there’s a...

Cut-Out, Cut Down, Cut Across, Cut Over

9. července 2007  12:50

The term cut-out (or cutout) refers to any kind of item that is used to visually communicate or...

Next Online: What Is It?

4. července 2007  8:30

Expresially for you: the next part to be activated goes live Monday. The next section of the Kal’s...

WHY Czechs Need Radar

3. července 2007  10:21

As a former Senior Systems Analyst (Level III) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory who worked...

Some “Fitness” English

2. července 2007  10:52

Millions of people exercise each day in some form or another. Whether it’s lifting weights,...

Otestujte si své znalosti angličtiny

1. července 2007  9:01

Prázdniny začaly a s nimi i možnost poznávat lidi v cizích krajích. Pro všechny, kteří chtějí...

Expres Dinners Resume

29. června 2007  10:15

As many of you know, several months ago we started what has turned out to be a very popular program...

Use Expressions Online

28. června 2007  10:12

As we promised you several months ago, Kal’s Korner here at Metropolitni Expres has now become a...

Some Southern English 2

27. června 2007  10:58

Yup, many use double and triple modals and it’s right OK. English, like every language, has its...

Some Southern English 1

26. června 2007  8:50

If you’ve ever visited the United States of America and have traveled any significant distance...

Now Calling All Readers

25. června 2007  10:56

Sometime later today, the new Kal’s Korner Online Web site will be uploaded and is of course...

Explaining the Major Areas

22. června 2007  9:07

Let’s briefly review the main feature set for the new re-design of Metropolitni Expres’ Kal’s...

Meet Our New Web Site

21. června 2007  14:35

Several months ago, the first version of the Kal’s Korner Online Web site made its debut. While it...

More of the Basic Sciences

20. června 2007  8:03

In yesterday’s column we briefly reviewed some of the major areas of science. Here are a few more...

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