
USA omezily protiirácké sankce

Americký prezident George Bush ve středu oznámil pozastavení platnosti amerického zákona z roku 1990 o sankcích proti Iráku. Po setkání se španělským premiérem Josém Maríou Aznarem uvedl, že po pádu režimu Saddáma Husajna nemají sankce význam a překážejí obnově země.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


9. 5. 2003 22:18
The two faces of Rumsfeld (Randeep Ramesh Friday May 9, 2003)
2000: director of a company which wins $200m contract to sell nuclear reactors to North Korea 2002: declares North Korea a terrorist state, part of the axis of evil and a target for regime change .... Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, sat on the board of a company which three years ago sold two light water nuclear reactors to North Korea - a country he now regards as part of the "axis of evil" and which has been targeted for regime change by Washington because of its efforts to build nuclear weapons. Mr Rumsfeld was a non-executive director of ABB, a European engineering giant based in Zurich, when it won a $200m (£125m) contract to provide the design and key components for the reactors. The current defence secretary sat on the board from 1990 to 2001, earning $190,000 a year. He left to join the Bush administration. ....... Two years after leaving ABB, Mr Rumsfeld now considers North Korea a "terrorist regime _ teetering on the verge of collapse" and which is on the verge of becoming a proliferator of nuclear weapons. During a bout of diplomatic activity over Christmas he warned that the US could fight two wars at once - a reference to the forthcoming conflict with Iraq. After Baghdad fell, Mr Rumsfeld said Pyongyang should draw the "appropriate lesson".
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9. 5. 2003 15:35
Amíci to skutečně zvládli na jednicku, ...
 ... skoro tak dobre, jako Adolf v Polsku.
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9. 5. 2003 15:56
Re: Amíci to skutečně zvládli na jednicku, ...
"WAR IS NOT A SOLUTION" (Daladier, Chamberlain 1938)
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9. 5. 2003 6:01
Amici to zvladli na jednicku
muzeme je jen obdivovat a doufat ze nas daji do "metru"jako Irak.Tresnaci si uz o to koleduji!
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9. 5. 2003 10:00
Re: Amici to zvladli na jednicku
Who will win the Czech gold bonanza?
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9. 5. 2003 3:37
Zase jeden palcovy titulek.....
To je snad celkem samozrejme ze kdyz Irak obsadili a kontroluji ropny vyvoz tak ze si ho nebudou blokovat sankcema...  To jsme prece vedeli od zacatku - tak proc ztracet cas clankem
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8. 5. 2003 20:31
....Many Iraqis have been unable to get enough drinking water because of the damage caused in the recent war in Iraq and have resorted to using contaminated water. The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday it expected a cholera epidemic in southern Iraq because of problems with poor sanitation. After 17 cases emerged in a 24-hour period, hospital doctors reported on Thursday that they are treating another two patients, both women, aged 70 and 25. .....
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Krakonos CDN

8. 5. 2003 19:05
Je me to jasny
A zidum a USA to bylo jasny uz pred vokupaci Iraku .
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8. 5. 2003 17:58
Who will win the Iraq oil bonanza? May 6 — As Iraq takes its first tentative steps toward self-government, the country’s creaky oil industry is slowly being restored by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which will soon assign contracts for basic repairs. But the real prize comes later — when the reformed Iraq government begins awarding lucrative contracts to develop vast, untapped reserves that some say could rival Saudi Arabia as the world’s largest pool of oil. ....... The bigger task will be restoring a decrepit system of pumping stations, pipelines, refineries and terminals that have been starved for critical parts and maintenance by more than a decade of economic sanctions. The swift awarding of a contract to Halliburton, the U.S. oil services giant formerly led by Vice President Dick Cheney before he took office, raised competitors’ fears that U.S. companies with close ties to the White House would have the inside track on oil contracts. That contract was originally estimated to be worth as much as $7 billion.
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8. 5. 2003 17:03
Washington's failure to hold broad-based consultations at central and local levels is provoking resistance, sometimes armed. In response, US troops have used excessive force, further raising tensions. Ten people died in Mosul when soldiers fired at crowds of protesters on successive days in mid-April. In Falluja the death toll from American shootings over two days last week was at least 16........The massacre in Falluja was symptomatic. The town was quiet for two weeks after Iraqi troops and local Ba'ath party leaders fled. The imams halted the looting and got much of the stolen property returned. A new mayor arranged for schools to re-open and persuaded police to return to work. Then the Americans arrived, arrested imams, put up roadblocks and occupied a school - all without prior discussion with local leaders. ........ They seemed to be working from a one-size-fits-all Pentagon textbook. First "liberate", then move in and provide policing whether people want it or not. In Baghdad there were indeed security problems after Saddam's forces vanished, and many residents asked why US forces did so little to halt the looting of key buildings. Having failed initially there, the US over-compensated elsewhere. It came down too hard in Falluja and other cities where people did not want a US hand.
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normální člověk

8. 5. 2003 12:31
USA proti terorismu
Boj proti terorismu je pro američany úspěšný. Byli odstraněny dva nebezpečné režimy - v Afghanistánu a v Iráku. Bush se nenechá vydírat severní Koreou, protože není Clinton.
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Erich Cviertna

8. 5. 2003 13:09
Re: USA proti terorismu
Taliban byl pro USA nebezpečný akorát tím že nechtěl Američanům umožnit postavit přes Afghánistán plynovod.
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Ele Drpod

8. 5. 2003 10:04
halo Danielo
zase jenom prvni
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