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Chtějí USA ochromit Evropu?

"Rozděluj a panuj!" bylo zásadou římských imperátorů. Nyní však u části Evropy sílí pocit, že starou zásadu proti nim uplatňují Spojené státy. Rodí se obava, že USA chtějí podkopat či ochromit jejich největší výtvor: Evropskou unii. Obava je tak silná, že ji politici ventilují i veřejně.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


19. 5. 2003 13:56
EU bude silnější než USA  Jak řekl jeden přede mnou : Kdo tvořil Ameriku Evropané
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19. 5. 2003 13:59
Re: EU
USA vytvořila elita chytrých, schopných a odvážných Evropanů.  ti. kdo na to neměli, zůstali doma nebo nepřežili.
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18. 5. 2003 23:24
Čím slabší EU, tím lépe pro nás.
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18. 5. 2003 13:17
DNC boss accuses Bush of `new McCartyism'<< DNC chairman accuses Bush of `new McCarthyism' by questioning rivals' patriotism COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - National Democratic chairman Terry McAuliffe accused President Bush on Saturday of unleashing a ``new McCarthyism'' by vilifying people who oppose his policies. McAuliffe, keynote speaker at the annual Ohio Democratic Party dinner, also defended that state's Republican senator, George Voinovich, who wavered in his support for the president's tax-cut package because he feared it would drive up the federal budget deficit. The Senate version would cut taxes by nearly $350 billion over 10 years, with additional cuts paid for by new revenue driving its cost to almost $420 billion. After Voinovich criticized the plan, a pro-tax cut group ran television ads criticizing his position, and Bush visited Ohio to promote the tax cuts, a trip that many interpreted as an attempt to pressure the senator. Bush administration spokesmen said nothing about the ads, which characterized ``so-called allies'' in Congress as ``Franco-Republicans'' who were no more helpful than France in the Iraq war. In the end, Voinovich's vote helped the legislation pass the Senate on a 51-50 vote, with the deciding vote cast by Vice President Dick Cheney. McAuliffe said he disagrees with Voinovich's vote and many other positions the Ohioan takes, but that, whatever the differences politically, the senator is a loyal American. ``For George's sin of wanting a slightly more fiscally sound tax package, his patriotism was attacked, and the president never spoke out in his defense, never told his henchmen to stop the attack,'' said McAuliffe, head of the Democratic National Committee. ``George Bush has unleashed a new McCarthyism that, under the cloak of a time of crisis and peril, has vilified and questioned the patriotism of those who have policy and political differences with him and his administration.'' Republican National Committee spokesman Jim Dyke said Bush had nothing to do with the ads that ran against Voinovich, which were sponsored by a group called Club for Growth. McAuliffe was critical of Bush's economic policies in general, saying they have cost 2.8 million jobs since the president took office. ``Just last Sunday on national television, Secretary of Treasury (John) Snow said we have a soggy economy. Soggy. Soggy,'' McAuliffe said, drawing laughs from the party faithful with the incredulous tone of his delivery. ``It's not soggy, it is a raging typhoon in America.'' McAuliffe accused Bush of squandering the federal surplus of the 1990s and said Bush's tax cuts benefit the rich while costing working people their jobs. ``The story goes that as the lifeboats were being loaded, the wealthy of the passengers of the Titanic pushed aside the women and children,'' he said. ``The values of this administration would be quite at home aboard that ill-fated ship.'' Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, one of nine candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination, told reporters before his speech to the Ohio dinner: ``I don't think we can beat George Bush by being Bush-like. We need a fiscal conservative and a social progressive and that's who I am.'' In his speech, Dean said the cost of the war in Iraq has increased with Americans still in the Middle Eastern country and that homeland security suffering a funding shortfall as a result. ``I think this country is not safer since the war with Iraq has ended,'' Dean said.
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18. 5. 2003 11:52
>>>Ed VulliamymSunday May 18, 2003 : Troops 'vandalise' ancient city of Ur : One of the greatest wonders of civilisation, and probably the world's most ancient structure - the Sumerian city of Ur in southern Iraq - has been vandalised by American soldiers and airmen, according to aid workers in the area. They claim that US forces have spray-painted the remains with graffiti and stolen kiln-baked bricks made millennia ago. As a result, the US military has put the archaeological treasure, which dates back 6,000 years, off-limits to its own troops. Any violations will be punishable in military courts. Land immediately adjacent to Ur has been chosen by the Pentagon for a sprawling airfield and military base. Access is highly selective, screened and subject to military escorts, which - even if agreed - need to be arranged days or weeks in advance and carefully skirt the areas of reported damage. There has been no official response to the allegations of vandalism - reported to The Observer by aid workers and one concerned US officer. Ur is believed by many to be the birthplace of the prophet Abraham. It was the religious seat of the civilisation of Sumer at the dawn of the line of dynasties which ruled Mesopotamia starting about 4000 BC. Long before the rise of the Egyptian, Greek or Roman empires, it was here that the wheel was invented and the first mathematical system developed. Here, the first poetry was written, notably the epic Gilganesh, a classic of ancient literature. The most prominent monument is the best preserved ziggurat - stepped pyramid - in the Arab world, initially built by the Sumerians around 4000 BC and restored by Nebuchadnezzar II in the sixth century BC. The Pentagon has elected to build its massive and potentially permanent base right alongside the site, so that the view from the peak of the ziggurat - more or less unchanged for 6,000 years - will be radically altered. Each hour, long convoys of trucks heave gravel and building materials through checkpoints and the barbed wire perimeter extends daily. There are reports that walls have been damaged by spray-painted graffiti, mostly patriotic or other slogans, and regimental mottos. One graffiti reads: 'SEMPER FE' - Always Faithful - the motto of the Marines, who stormed through this region on their way to Baghdad, and form a contingent at the base. Other reports by groups who cannot be named for fear of losing access to medical patients being treated on the base say there has been widespread stealing of clay bricks baked to build and restore the structures at Ur. The Army Public Affairs office at Ur refused to speak to The Observer. <<< ....
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18. 5. 2003 8:52
 EU je umělej výtvor, kterej se rozpadne i bez americké účasti. Já osobně se rád přičiním. Je dobré vstoupit doUnie, nejlépe se dá totiž rozbít zevnitř.
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19. 5. 2003 14:01
Re: EU
jenomže pak se s tím Titanicem potopíš sám.  možná je lepší to jen z povzdálí pozorovat
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18. 5. 2003 2:38
a kdo
Evropská unie nikdy nedosáhne toho čeho dosáhly USA a jsem tomu rád. Fandím Česku, USA, ale ne EU.
A kdo budoval Ameriku? Nasrani Evropani co utekli z Evropy. Dnes jsou nasrani Evropani v Evrope v prevaze, a male procento nasranych amiku utece do Evropy. 
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17. 5. 2003 23:03
podobu letáku uvidíte na stránkách
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17. 5. 2003 20:56
americke filmy.....
Když si chci odpočinout, tak se 1000krát radši podívám na (třeba i přiblblej) americkej film, než na nějakou francouzskou či německou ubohost snažící se trapně napodobovat am. produkci.
Evropa je prostě pokrytecká,
vsak podle toho i to tvoje mysleni vypada...myslim vliv problblych filmu, kterym je krmena cela amerika ne proto, ze by nemeli radi jine filmy, ale americani by meli problemy cist titulky, to je, ze by nektere filmy nebyly dobre, ovsem evropske filmy maji hloubku...samozrejme ty nevis, o cem hovorim.....
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18. 5. 2003 12:49
Re: americke filmy.....
Tak vidim jurassku, ze ses nevochomejtal po tech marockejch spelunkach zrovna kdyz to tam bouchlo. Jinak bys tu uz nedelal filmovyho kritika.
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17. 5. 2003 20:46
politika balance of power
   Podle mě jim určitě vyhovuje,že evropa nejedná jako jeden muž,ale pro nás evropany to podle mě není moc podstatné.Důležité je ,abychom byli ekonomicky jednotní a silnější než oni a k tomu tu právě EU je.Ty kecy předních evropských politiků beru hodně s nadhledem.
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17. 5. 2003 4:47
FUCK    EU!!!!!!!
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19. 5. 2003 14:00
Re: fuck
je to pravda na můj vkus poněkud silné, ale v zásadě dobrá myšlenka
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