
Nedvěd: Nároďák je pro mě asi uzavřená věc

Fanoušci z celé Evropy mu pozlatili nohu, české fanoušky však Pavel Nedvěd možná těžce zarmoutí. Zvažuje, že se vzdá národního týmu. V úterý českého záložníka zastudil mokrý beton, když do něj na monacké Promenádě šampionů bosý vstoupil, aby tam obtiskl chodidlo. Taková je odměna pro vítěze hlasování fotbalových fanoušků o jejich nejoblíbenějšího hráče.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

PC lara

9. 8. 2004 23:45
! ! ! ! ! !
PAVLE, neopouštěj nás!!!!
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6. 8. 2004 0:55
Rosický by měl být kapitánem
Byl to srdcař, ale tahle stará garda to má prostě již za sebou (kromě Poborského). Co nejdříve by měli Rosického učinit kapitánem .
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5. 8. 2004 7:55
Vlajky na půl žerdi
Hodně špatná zpráva. V nároďáku jsou sice výborní hráči, ale jen jeden hráč schopný rozhodnout zápas vůlí(v zápase s Řeckem bylo vidět, jak moc chybí). Doufám, že Pavel s Juve vyhraje letošní LM, a jelikož s jídlem roste chuť, dostane zálusk na MS.
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4. 8. 2004 16:08
Medvěd 1 míč
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4. 8. 2004 16:10
Medvěd _1_
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4. 8. 2004 15:55
Pavle děkujeme
Ať se Pavel Nedvěd rozhodne jakkoliv patří mu velký dík za repre-jinak největší tuzemská fotbalová primadona je Patrik Ježek-dnes jsem viděl v Plzni v baru dopoledne Roberta Vágnera -bavil se z barmanem a tvrdil něco o přestupu do Sparty tak nevím....
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4. 8. 2004 12:20
Dofám, že
to dneska na Letné půjde do análu....už se nomohu dočekati té vostudy a Košťálova kyselého ksichtu!!!!
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4. 8. 2004 12:46
Re: Sparta
Ale neeeeee. Spartu podrzi BRNO Pacanda
Pacanda tam bude 1 sezonu a pak do sveta.Tak zatim nazdar
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4. 8. 2004 12:08
The news is likely to be welcomed by Manchester United coach, Alex Ferguson, who regards Scholes as one of his best players and knows he can now focus completely on the Premiership competition.
Scholes, who shuns the limelight, prefers spending his spare time with his young family, whom he mentioned in his retirement statement.
Eriksson paid tribute to Scholes who won 36 of his caps under the Swede.
"I am very sorry that Paul has decided to retire from international football," said Eriksson whose own future with the national team is under a cloud following the sex scandal, which has rocked the English Football Association.
"Paul and I have been speaking about this since Euro 2004 and, while he remained a key part of my plans for the England team, I fully respect his decision."
Scholes's last international goal came at Euro 2004 against Croatia.
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4. 8. 2004 15:29
Why, I pray, why are you bothering us with Scholes. Not that many Manure fans around here, I suppose, Mr. I-would-like-to-identify-myself-with-Crocodile-Dundee.
You have to understand that this is by far the most disconcerting news in the history of Czech journalism ( ). Millions of us all around the country will spend the evening crying and, despite being convinced atheists,  praying all night long to the divine Paul to withdraw his call.
How blasphemous, then, your posts must needs seem in the light of the REAL news of the day!
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4. 8. 2004 12:06
"This is a decision I have not taken lightly, I have been considering retiring from international football for a while now," Scholes said in a statement on the Manchester United website Tuesday. Scholes made his England debut in 1997, against South Africa at Old Trafford, and has played in two World Cups and two European Championships.
"I started my England career in 1997 and have enjoyed seven years of great football, playing in the best competitions, with some of the best players, under the best managers.
"Euro 2004 was fantastic but afterwards I felt the time was right for myself and my family to make it my last England appearance."
Scholes ended a three-year goal drought for England when he scored his 14th international goal in the victory over Croatia in June but never hit top form at any stage in the Euro 2004 competition.
The news is likely to be welcomed by Manchester United coach, Alex Ferguson, who regards Scho
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4. 8. 2004 12:02
Paul Scholes
Scholes quits international football MANCHESTER, England (AFP) - Manchester United midfielder Paul Scholes added to England coach Sven-Goran Eriksson's problems by announcing his retirement from international football.
The 29-year-old spent seven years playing for England, during which he earned 66 caps and scored 14 goals.
His last cap was in the Euro 2004 quarterfinal loss to Portugal.
"This is a decision I have not taken lightly, I have been considering retiring from international football for a while now," Scholes said in a statement on the Manchester United website Tuesday.
Scholes made his England debut in 1997, against South Africa at Old Trafford, and has played in two World Cups and two European Championships.
"I started my England career in 1997 and have enjoyed se
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4. 8. 2004 11:56
Doufam, ze zustane...
Kdyz jsem si poprve predevcirem precetl, ze ma Meda skoncit s odkazem na ten rozhovor pro "La Gazzettu" tak se mi sice trosku podlomili kolena., ale preci jen jsem doufal, ze se bude jednat o clanek z kategorie "Serie A ma pauzu a neco napsat musime", ale zda se, ze skutecnost je jak vidim opravdu treskuta. Myslim, ze na jeho rozhodnuti muze mit velky vliv to jak rychle se mu uzdravi to koleno a budu se moc zapojit do pripravy Juventusu. Ma jednu z poslednich sanci dokazat neco s Juventusem, navic prisel novej trener a on je mimo kvuli zraneni z narodaku... Verim, ze pokud se da zdravotne do poradku nebo, alespon prognozy budou vypadat optimisticky moh by se ten pomer zustat/nezustat spis priklonit k ty variante, kterou si vetsina z nas preje. Protoze at se divam jak se divam momentalne nevidim na jeho misto nikoho, kdo by se mu, alespon priblizoval.
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