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Ládinův hlas to nebyl, tvrdí vědci

Švýcarští vědci zpochybnili autentičnost zvukového záznamu, na němž údajně hovořil terorista Usáma bin Ládin a který v polovině listopadu vysílala katarská televize Al-Džazíra. Badatelé z ústavu IDIAP v Lausanne, který se zabývá smyslovou a umělou inteligencí, tvrdí, že na záznamu na 95 procent není bin Ládinův hlas.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

Geo (USA)

11. 2. 2003 23:54
Koukam ze bude lepsi se do toho hnoje v Cechach radeji nevracet.Chce se mi z vas BLEEEEJT
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4. 12. 2002 5:02
Kde je tá pravda?!
Po teroristických útocích v New Yorku a Washingtonu je třeba, aby pravda vyšla najevo a věc se falešně a hystericky nelakovala proamerickým způsobem, ale objektivně posoudila samotnými čtenáři, kterým se poskytne dostatek informací, a tak si sami utvoří názor na celou záležitost, která nezvnikla 11. září, ale její kořeny a zázemí byly vytvořeny americkými tajnými službami v dobách studené války.
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2. 12. 2002 0:02
bez prekladu, sorry
If you are still shaken by the horrifying scenes of September 11, please observe a moment of silence for the 2,700 civilian lives lost in the New York, Washington, DC and Pennsylvania attacks. While we're at it, let's have 13 minutes of silence for the 130,000 Iraqi civilians killed in 1991 by order of President Bush Sr. Take another moment to remember how Americans celebrated and cheered in the streets. Now another 20 minutes of silence for the 200,000 Iranians killed by Iraqi soldiers using weapons and money provided to young Saddam Hussein by the American government before the great eagle turned all its power against Iraq. Another 15 minutes of silence for the Russians and 150,000 Afghans killed by the Taliban troops who were supported and trained by the CIA. Plus 10 minutes of silence for 100,000 Japanese killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the Atomic bombs dropped by the USA. We've just kept quiet for one hour: one minute for the Americans killed in NY,DC, and Pennsylvania, 59 minutes for their victims throughout the world. If you are still in awe, let's have another hour of silence for all those killed in Vietnam, which is not something Americans like to admit. Or for the massacre in Panama in 1989, where Americans troops attacked poor villagers, leaving 20,000 Panamanians homeless and thousands more dead. Or for the millions of children who have died because of the USA embargoes on Iraq and Cuba. Or the hundreds of thousands brutally murdered throughout the world by USA-sponsored civil wars and coup d`etat (Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia,Guatemala, El Salvador to name a few). Maybe, and although the memory of Americans claims otherwise, someone may remember the USA attack on Bagdad where 18,000 civilians were killed. Did someone see it on CNN? Was justice ever served? Or was there even any retaliation? The dead in other places hurt as much as the dead of the Twin Towers.
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ugly american

4. 12. 2002 7:17
Re: no translation guys, sorry
So many questions remain unasked as the U.S. continues its "war on terrorism." Perhaps the most crucial is whether Washington possesses the moral right to condemn terrorism when its own hands are so bloody.
Let's examine our use of terror directed against civilians to achieve political or military goals, beginning with the atomic devastation of Japan.
"Little Boy," exploded over Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, killed 130,000 people immediately (including a dozen U.S. POWs) and 200,000 within five years, all but some 20,000 of them civilians. Twenty-five square miles of civilization were gutted.
"Fat Man," detonated over Nagasaki three days later, took another 70,000 lives immediately, and nearly double that over five years. All but 150 were civilians. There was no pretense of a military target.
That's 50 World Trade Centers of people vaporized. As a percentage of Japan's 1945 population of 72 million, it was equivalent to 200 WTCs.
When the Korean War erupted in 1950, the U.S. worked on perfecting this criminal way of waging war, the targeting of a country's civilian population.
General Douglas MacArthur ordered that every "installation, factory, city, and village" be destroyed in much of the north. General Curtis LeMay reported that "over a period of three years or so ... we burned down every town in North Korea and South Korea, too."
Three million civilians (from a Korean population of 30 million) died in that conflict, a large majority from American bombing.
That's another 750 World Trade Centers dead, or 7125 WTCs as a percentage of population.
We employed the same murderous tactic--widespread and sustained assaults on the civilian population--in the Vietnam War and its extensions in Cambodia and Laos. U.S. forces dropped eight million tons of bombs--four times the entire Allied total of World War II. Eighty percent were dropped on areas--so-called "carpet bombing"--rather than individual targets. The region was immolated with 373,000 tons of napalm, dwarfing the 14,000 tons employed in the second world war.
All told, we subjected the people of Indochina to 15 million tons of munitions with the combined explosive power of 600 Hiroshima-type atomic bombs. The result? A decade-long crime against humanity that killed another two to three million civilians. In the same part of the world, we supported the Indonesian generals who presided over the slaughter of a million of their people after a failed October 1965 coup attempt. The killings of alleged Communists and their families raged for months. The country's rivers became clogged with bodies. The U.S., however, was euphoric. Time magazine described the generals' ascension as "the West's best news for years in Asia," while the Johnson administration, according to the New York Times, expressed "delight." A decade later, we supported Indonesia's invasion of East Timor. The attack began less than 24 hours after then-President Ford concluded a visit to Jakarta. For years thereafter we blocked international efforts to halt the ensuing bloodbath. Some 200,000 Timorese, one-third of the original population, died before Indonesia withdrew in 1999. This is nothing less than genocide. While "only" 50 World Trade Centers, this was 23,750 WTCs as a percentage of population. Washington's most recent savagery--and a continuing one--is the suffocating sanctions imposed on Iraq. By 1998, malnutrition and disease, the latter resulting from lack of medicines and clean water, had killed 500,000 children under the age of five, according to UNICEF. The total deaths attributable to the sanctions may exceed one million. Chalk up 250 World Trade Centers dead from sanctions, and 3235 WTCs as a percentage of Iraq's 1998 population of 22 million. Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark reported earlier this year that the number of children's deaths--currently 6700 monthly--continues to escalate. That's a World Trade Center full of Iraqi children dead this month--and every month--from sanctions. Our government has known of these deadly conditions from the beginning. A January 22, 1991 report from the Defense Intelligence Agency, "Iraq Water Treatment Vulnerabilities," states that: "With no domestic sources of both water treatment replacement parts and some essential chemicals, Iraq will continue attempts to circumvent United Nations sanctions to import these vital commodities. Failing to secure supplies will result in a shortage of pure drinking water for much of the population. This could lead to increased incidences, if not epidemics, of disease." A second DIA document dated one month later, "Disease Outbreaks in Iraq," reports that "Conditions are favorable for communicable disease outbreaks, particularly in major urban areas affected by coalition bombing." When we're not killing people ourselves, we're allying ourselves with dictators willing to massacre their own people. In Argentina, some 30,000 suspected "subversives" were "disappeared"--abducted and murdered--during the military government's "dirty war" from 1976 to 1983. By 1977 a junior official in the U.S. embassy, "Tex" Harris, concluded that this was "a massive, coherent, military effort to exterminate Argentine citizens." This was not a problem, however, for the U.S. In Guatemala, another American ally with a governmental fondness for death squads, the toll is much higher. The Guatemalan Historical Clarification Commission has estimated that 200,000 people were killed in over 30 years of brutal repression, 93 percent of them by government forces. The World Trade Centers equivalence? Fifty, or 1575 WTCs as a percentage of Guatemala's 1990 population of 9 million. In these and so many other countries--Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, El Salvador, Iran, Zaire, the Philippines, Greece--our miserable record of suppor
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1. 12. 2002 6:23
Divim se, ze vetsina z vas jeste nekandiduje na prezidenta. Vsechno vite, vsemu rozumite............................Je skoda, ze ztracite cas tady na internetu...
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30. 11. 2002 17:43
Bush by měl dostat kulku mezi oči.
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1. 12. 2002 9:58
Re: !!!
Myslel jste kulku mezi lopatky, nebo lopatkou mezi kulky?
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30. 11. 2002 17:42
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Hanoi Hilton

30. 11. 2002 16:10
Jednou se to dozvime!
Britsky archiv zverejnil v techto dnech materialy (urcite nahodou), ktere dokazuji, ze britske tajne sluzby zorganizovaly behem II. sv. valky nejmene dva fingovane pumove utoky v Londyne, aby presvedcily Nemce, ze jejich agenti (kteri ve skutecnosti uz dlouho pracovali pro Brity) funguji a pracuji pro Hitlera. Notoricky znamou historickou skutecnosti je, ze zacatek II. sv. valky (utok na Polsko) byl vyprovokovan utokem nemeckych vojaku, prevlecenych do polskych uniforem, na vysilacku blizko hranic na nemeckem uzemi. Vsechno se dari drzet v tajnosti jen po urcitou dobu. Ale pokud se ukaze, ze konspiracni teorie (ktere nekteri lide okamzite odkazuji do rise pohadek) jsou pravdive, pak svet tak jak jsme ho znali skonci. Duvera v udajne nejdemokratictejsi system sveta bude natolik podkopana, ze se uz nikdy neobnovi.
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30. 11. 2002 16:16
Re: Jednou se to dozvime!
Lepe bych to nekterym ignorantum vysvetlit nedokazalDiky
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30. 11. 2002 12:48
Tak uz Vam to konecne dochazi
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30. 11. 2002 12:51
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30. 11. 2002 11:53
Prece musit byt nazivu....
...koho by jinak Bush honil? Kdyz mu Saddam vypalil rybnik.... Arabove Usamu nepotrebuji, uz jim ukazal cestu. Ted ho potrebuje jenom Amerika..... jako klacek..... a kdyz se cas od casu neozve, klacek zmizi....
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30. 11. 2002 13:54
Re: Prece musit byt nazivu...." target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
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30. 11. 2002 9:57
Prohlaseni bandity
Kdo si precte text ktery byl ovysilan ze zaznamu musi v nem ale najit take kus pravdy. Nejsem stoupencem zadne strany ani nabozenstvi, na druhou stranu to prohlaseni neosahuje lzi, je postavene na faktech ktere jsou bohuzel tvrda realita. Premyslel jste nekdo nad tim?
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30. 11. 2002 23:06
Re: Prohlaseni bandity
tak jsem si to precetl a myslim,ze nemas pravdu. Je to zalozene na tom, ze mezi drobne pravdy je schovana jedna velka lez: Zabijeni nevinych lidi po celem svete muze zabranit zabijeni jinych nevinych lidi (po celem svete).
To je prece blbost, ale lidi chteji pomstu, tak proc se "nemstit" na nekom, kdo to neceka, kdo s tim nema NIC spolecneho - to je dalsi lez - neuznavam ani "oko za oko, zub za zub", ale terorismus neni ani to.
"Ty jsi zabil meho souseda, ja zabiju tveho.", ale jak k tomu ti sousedi chudaci prijdou?
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