This does not include ten very successful movie films.
To date, profits from Star Trek have totaled more than one billion dollars, making it and George Lucas’ Star Wars merchandising and movie empires one of the most lucrative ever in the history of Hollywood.
Star Trek: First Contact
In honor of Marina Sirtis’ appearance here in Prague at the Czech Trek 2 event, there will be several showings of the movie Star Trek: First Contact, at the Kino Ladvi.
For the specific viewing times of this theater film, please go to their web site at where they are listed.
Star Trek: It Just Goes On
In addition to the multiple TV series incarnations of Star Trek, there are of course the motion picture films.
The eleventh one, due for release next year, is called Star Trek XI.
This one will prove to be of interest to every Trekker, since it shows the beginning of the eventual Starship Enterprise crew at their Starfleet Academy, as well as a young Captain James T. Kirk and a young Vulcan scientist Mr. Spock.
Like the first Star Trek in the 1960s, the original characters are all back, although they are played by far younger and different actors.
Scheduled for release on Christmas Day of 2008, this film is what is called a prequel, and it even includes some flashback scenes with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy, the original Kirk and Spock.
The Star Trek universe continues.
Jokes of the Day: Totally Useless Info1. The average adult human being has two meters worth of skin. 2. American Astronaut Neil Armstrong, first stepped on the Moon with his left foot. 3. Walt Disney, who of course went on to create the cartoon character Mickey Mouse, was actually afraid of mice! 4. A dentist is responsible for adding sugar to the first piece of chewing gum in 1869. It was a shrewd "business" investment. 5. In real life, the color of Elvis Presley’s hair was blonde! Younger photos of Elvis show him as being blonde. Elvis dyed his hair because he was a huge fan of fellow rock and roller Roy Orbison. |
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